Sololift+ c 3

Free Shipping Available. Money Back Guarantee! Check Out Sololift C-on eBay. Fill Your Cart With Color today! WC- WC- and CWC- , are designed to take wastewater from a toilet and further sanitary appliances.

C -and D- are designed to take grey wastewater from several objects.

The numbers indicate how many additional inlet connections are possible. Sizing and selection tools, quick dimensioning, pump replacement tools, CAD drawings, pump curves and other relevant data. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser.

Grundfos Sololift C - 3. Sections 1- give the information necessary to be able to unpack, install and start up the product in a safe way. Sections 4-give important information about the product, as well as information on service, fault finding and disposal of the product. General information 1. Symbols used in this.

SOLOLIFTis a unique range of compact lifting stations enabling drainage of any domestic sanitary appliance wherever neede independent from the gravity drain system. Quantity Add to order. SysteThis is a system which contains other products. Suitable for pumping wastewater with feces from private dwellings. SololiftC - is a small, compact automatic lifting.

An in-depth look at the SOLOLIFTWC- model. Click image for more information : Click to enlarge an image. Potential Inlets: : Power Consumption: 3W:.

Powerful and quiet inlet pump for hot, grey waste water. Special impeller design prevents clogging. We do not accept correctly supplied electrical goods for return, refund or exchange for reasons of hygiene. Great Prices On Sololift C-3.

Find Sololift C-On eBay. Compact lifting stations have suffered a bad reputation, but the new generation is here! The start level is selectable to suit low level waste outlets. Fabrikat Modell SOLOLIFTProdukt-Nr. Being responsible is our foundation Thinking ahead makes it possible Innovation is the essence.

Title: Prosi (magyar).

Service you would expect from a trusted UK company. UK and Worldwide delivery. Stanice SOLOLIFTC-má vírové oběžné kolo umožňující čerpání vody s obsahem vláken a pevných nečistot. Případný servis je rychlý a čistý, není třeba sahat do obsahu nádrže nebo celé zařízení demontovat. Ecademy related Topics.

This video highlights the main benefits of the SOLOLIFT C - 3. Kattintson és nézzen szét kínálatunk között! Přečerpávací stanice vhodná na čerpání odpadních vod s teplotou až do 90° C z myčky nádobí, pračky, kuchyňského dřezu, sprchy, koupací vany nebo umyvadla. Jei siurbiami skysčiai, kuriuose yra kitų medžiagų, tai gali sukelti gedimą, ir tokiems gedimams gali būti netaikoma mūsų garantija. CWC- představuje výjimečně tenkou variantu (s bočními vstupy) určenou k instalaci do zdi.

C - a D-jsou určené na odčerpávání (u verze C - i horké) odpadní vody z vany, sprchy, umývadla, výlevky, pračky a myčky na nádobí. Jejich kompaktnost umožňuje instalaci na stěnu nebo podlahu.


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